Brock: “What About Bob?”

ANN ARBOR–Bob Brock’s agent (Dawn Queen) is fighting mad. In a statement Wednesday, he blasted the press for its “one-sided coverage of so-called ‘super stars,'” a clear reference to Andrew Thompson, Shawn Lopez, and Evan Feezel– dubbed the New Crew.

“My client is among the leaders in scoring, yet receives no press,” said Queen. “He scored two goals last night, too! Why isn’t he mentioned?”

Thompson and Lopez each had two goals and an assist in a victory over the Yaks.

Brock admitted to being quite angry. “I can’t see straight,” said Brock, mottled with rage. He later claimed that a hand injury affected his vision, though team doctors have not treated him for any recent injuries.

“This is a travesty!” exclaimed Queen. “We will not rest until my client receives his share of kudos. I personally will see to it.”

However, Queen admitted that the task may be daunting, as the media have historically ignored such grandstanding from Tier I agents. “It’s like I don’t exist,” said Queen.

Other agents including Jake Fakeperson and agencies such as the Law Offices of Jacob, Jingleheimer & Schmidt have expressed similar concerns.