Five Bears No Match For Goal-dilocks

ANN ARBOR–Ashley’s Hopslam had a blonde moment– four actually– as they handed a depleted Bears team a 4-1 loss Sunday night on Stadium Ice.

“Who’s been scoring in my net?” grumbled an angry and confused Bear whose name shall remain lost in lore.

Mike Leighton (2), EJ Perdomo, and Scott Coates– all of the fair-haired persuasion– scored goals against a Bears team that had no players on the bench. Bob Brock, one of the four non-blondes, managed an assist for the night, and wondered why after 25 years his life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination.

Said GM Mark Woods: “I think Bobby just wants to avoid being a one-hit wonder, so he doesn’t have to ask ‘what’s going on?'”

In lieu of porridge, the team settled for barley and hops, drinking into the wee hours of the night, before going wee wee all the way home. Sources noted that such actions are not part of the confirmed folk legend, but they also admitted that beer does in fact affect one’s bladder given the amounts consumed.