Ruination’s Nationwide Coverage pUnsuccessful

ANN ARBOR– Ashley’s Ruination plan to compete with Verizon, AT&T, and other wireless providers for nationwide coverage proved unsuccessful, resulting in a 1-4 loss to Topes C Tuesday night. “I honestly thought that if we put Kyle (Polack) in Las Vegas, Ricky (Winowiecki) in Novi (Michigan), and Aleem (Hasham) in Calgary, we’d cover all of North America,” said GM Mark Woods.

Ruination's nationwide coverage plan was not nearly as successful as planned

Ruination’s nationwide coverage plan was not nearly as successful as planned

While Ruination was in fact well-represented throughout most of the United States and Canada, the strategy did not score many points. Rootmetrics, a company that evaluates mobile network performance, rated Verizon the #1 overall network provider, while Ruination’s coverage did not even receive any evaluations.

Andrew Thompson managed the lone goal for Ruination in the third.

GM Mark Woods was also questioned for several other decisions, including sitting Peter Girz (shoulder), Kevin Dillen (work), and Matt Johnson (just ’cause). Said Woods: “We figured that with the nationwide coverage, we wouldn’t need to offer an additional line.”

Added Woods: “I really dropped the call on this one.”

Plans to add a pager service and development of the rotary cell phone have been placed on hold.