Jazzerskate Boost Body, Drains Heart

ANN ARBOR– Following Ruination’s 1-10 loss Monday night, defenseman Mark Woods revealed that while his body esteem was boosted from the exercise known has Jazzer-skate, his self-esteem took quite a hit from the loss. “I feel like my self-worth was checked into the boards,” he said, making a bad hockey reference.

Woods and teammates put on brave smiles after emotionally stunting "jazzer-skate" workout

Woods and teammates put on brave smiles after emotionally stunting “jazzer-skate” workout

“Now I feel worse,” he added.

Woods reported “feeling fat,” early Monday afternoon, prompting him to enroll in the Jazzer-skate exercise program for Monday evening, hosted by fitness guru L. Batt Blue. “Unfortunately, [Woods] did not realize that Blue provides a tough love program,” noted team psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw. “Think Jillian Michaels on her period, hungry, and told she was never loved as a child, and you have L. Batt Blue’s mindset for training.”

Indeed, the program was intense, as Woods and others in the program were pushed to the brink of exhaustion. “I’m wiped out,” noted defenseman Shawn Lopez.

However, the despite reaching many goals for the team, Ruination was only able to attain one goal, achieved by Sean Mario Hazzaray.

“Well, we got a second goal in getting good exercise,” said Woods. “I just wish it wasn’t so ego-deflating.”

Woods noted that perhaps “more woolly or pink socks” might help next time.