Coleman Spins Yarn, Dispenses Wisdom, Bemusement

ANN ARBOR– Ken Coleman sat back in his post-game rocking chair and provided homespun tales of hockey glory past Wednesday night following the 4-1 win for Aventinus. “He has a real knack for saying just the right thing at just the right moment,” said GM Mark Woods.

The locker room may be empty, but the stories Coleman tells remain

The locker room may be empty, but the stories Coleman tells remain

“I tell you what,” said Coleman, his eyes distant, lost in reflection. “Whatever happen’d to Mike Leighton?”

Coleman was referring to retired center Michael Leighton, who took an assistant coaching role on his son’s team. When updated, Coleman again stared off, lost in thought, rocking slowly as he stared out into the dusty plains as the sun set.

“Mike’s son was a real smart boy,” he noted. “One time, he walked into the locker room, and he must’ve farted, because I smelled it, and he looked at me and knew I knew, cause he just turned and ran out the room.”

Added Coleman: “That’s a smart boy to know if he farted to run out of the room.”

To date, none of the teammates present are certain of the meaning behind the tale. “But that’s what makes it so brilliant,” said Woods. “If the parable were easily deciphered, it would be easily forgotten.”

Said Woods: “We’ll be thinking about that one for years.”

Dave Winn, Bill McDermott, Robert Teixeira, and Bruce Conner each had a goal in the win. Defenseman Jen Perry had two assists.