Bradshaw’s Warning Clearly Ignored

Bradshaw's warnings concerning shingles ignored... until now!

Bradshaw’s warnings concerning shingles ignored… until now!

ANN ARBOR– Often seen as more of a parody than a prophet, Hall of Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw was once again ignored regarding his message of the shingles virus, with disastrous consequences, including a 2-3 loss for Hopslam Saturday night.

“He’s out, and we lose,” said GM Mark Woods, speaking of forward Bob Brock, the one in three adults to suffer from the shingles virus.

“I tolt him,” said Bradshaw. “I warn’t them all, din’t I?”

Added Bradshaw; “But I tell you whut; they listenin’ to me now. If’n you had the chicken pox as a kid, then you already have the virus in’yuh.”

Bradshaw proceeded to push his way into the locker room, lecturing the team on the shingles virus. Included in that lecture was forward Lauren Lobert (goal), and Bernie Bachli (2 assists). Bill McDermott (goal) and Brendan Kennedy (assist), though probably too young for this to be an issue, did show visible concern.

“Had Bobby only talked to his doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine, none of this would have happened,” said Bradshaw, shaking his head.

Added Bradshaw: “Well, he’ll think twice before trying to work on the roof from here on out, right? Right.”

Brock was not available for comment, but was seen at the office and the driving range looking sad as others looked on sympathetically.