Ashley’s Entertainment Network (AEN) announced that “Ruination: The Series” would feature an all-new cast, but with some familiar faces to “ease the transition.” Andrew Thompson, who now stars in “Widowmaker,” a comedy featuring a lovable cast of “over the hill” hockey players and their antics, will reprise his role in the new series as the “seasoned veteran,” who will show the new upstarts how Ruination plays championship-level hockey.
“It feels good to be back on the old set, and seeing the new faces,” Thompson said.
The new series takes place in the “summer season,” several years after a pandemic affected the world and the team, leading to a tumultuous few seasons. Several players, including Fever, Chris “Mr.” Allen, Tom “Cheese” Velcovici, Chris “King” Tutuska-men, decide to “take the summer off” or move to BF Egypt. Chris Sutton remains as part of the cast, but will play a limited role, as he will be called away for several business trips during over various episodes.
“It will be tricky, but I think it will work. The new cast is bringing fresh energy, and it puts a new spin on the series, which I think the fans will enjoy,” said Sutton.
The first episode, which aired Sunday, had the team win a tough game over bSasquatch 4-1. It’s also revealed that “Donovan” harbors a grudge with dad “Glenn” after failing to receive an “obvious” pass to the slot, which will boil over in Episode 5, “Too Spicy, Boys.”